Employment / 就业单位
AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co., Ltd
- Senior Engineer for Assembly
| 中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司
Education / 教育背景
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- 2020' Doctor of Philosophy, UM-SJTU Joint Institute
Zhejiang University
- 2014' Bachelor of Science, Department of Mechanical Engineering
| 上海交通大学
Honors / 获奖情况
- 2014’ Excellent Graduates, Zhejiang University
- 2013' Excellent Student Leader, Zhejiang University
- 2013' Third Prize, Excellent Academic Performances, Zhejiang University
- 2013' Tri-Excellent Student, Zhejiang University
- 2012' Third Prize, Excellent Academic Performances, Zhejiang University
- 2012' Tri-Excellent Student, Zhejiang University
- 2011' Third Prize, Excellent Academic Performances, Zhejiang University
- 2011' Tri-Excellent Student, Zhejiang University
- 2014年浙江大学优秀毕业生
- 2013年获浙江大学优秀学生干部奖
- 2013年获浙江大学学业优秀三等奖学金
- 2013年浙江大学三好学生
- 2012年获浙江大学学业优秀三等奖学金
- 2012年浙江大学三好学生
- 2011年获浙江大学学业优秀三等奖学金
- 2011年浙江大学三好学生
Research Projects / 参与项目
- An underactuated prosthetic hand based on postural synergies